Monday, January 20, 2014


My sweet little Daxx has learned to crawl up the stairs!
He seems to do it all the time if I don't keep the baby gate up! He is so quiet that most of the time I don't notice until I hear him playing upstairs! He is very, very sneaky!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Wow! Has it really been that long?!

Yes... Yes it has been that long! Ha ha
Well a lot has changed for the Umbergers! We are no longer a family of 3 but a family of 5!
Tagger Kiven Umberger joined us May, 21 2012. He is my little devil! Always getting into trouble but dang it, he is adorable!!
Daxx Craig Umberger joined us 10 months after Tagger on March, 25 2013. He is such a good baby and hardly ever cries!
Arbor is now 6 years old and in KINDERGARTEN!!! I can't believe it!
He is such a good big brother and I am so very greatful for my Arbor bear!
Johnny is a Software Engineer for Dunn Recycling in Orem. He loves his job and the people there.
I am a stay at home mom to our 3 boys and I couldn't be happier!
We live in Spanish Fork now and plan on making it permanent in a few years.
That's where we are now and one of my goals for this year is to keep this blog updated so. hopefully, I won't fall behind again! :)
All 3 Umbrothers!

Johnny and Daxx Halloween 2013

Daxx Craig Umberger

My big boy Arbor


Thursday, January 28, 2010

Funny story!

We have the type of fridge that has the water and ice maker in it. Well Arbor has just discovered how to use them! So when he finds a cup he runs to the fridge and fills it with water and he will drink it, dump it out or put his cars in it. Well the other night I didn't hear him get water. He was sitting in the computer room with me and I thought he was just playing with his toys until I heard splashing. So I turned around to look and he had a cup over water and was pouring it down his diaper because he had discovered that his diaper would absorb it! His diaper was so big that he couldn't even stand!! I couldn't help but laugh! I changed his diaper and took the water away and he just smiled and said "I'm funny"! The good news is that Huggies is VERY absorbent! Ha ha I love my Arbor buddy!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A little behind...

So I now I am little behind but on Nov. 8th Johnny and I celebrated 6 years of marriage! Seriously... 6 YEARS! Crazy I know...

In those 6 years of wedded bliss we have moved 8 times, gotten a puppy, lived in Las Vegas, bought a new car (2008 Scion xB that we still LOVE) and best of all, had a baby! I can't believe that we have been married that long... I still feel like a newly wed!

On the 8th we left Arbor with my parents(only the 2nd time in 2 years that we have left him over night) and went to Anniversary Inn in Logan. Johnny up keeps their website so we get a killer deal! We stayed in La Hacienda the first night. The room was AWESOME! It was so cozy! Then on Monday night we stayed in Bikers Roadhouse. That one was so fun! We played pool and pin ball all night!

During the day we went to Bear Lake. It was cold but so pretty! The canyon there is beautiful! Johnny took this picture of the river. He has a good eye for these things!

Anyways.. It was so nice to get away even though we couldn't wait to get back to Arbor!

I love you baby and can't wait to spend 6 more wonderful years with you!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Fun things!

So since we have gotten a new camera we are very VERY picture happy! Ha ha we are always taking pictures! These are just a couple of my favs! I was trying so hard to get Arbor to hold still and take some pics with me but, of course he wouldn't! But we still got some cute ones. I can't believe I have a blue eyed baby! His eyes are sooooo blue! I love it! Thank you Johnny! Ha ha The last pic is cinnamon twists and mini cinnamon pull-a-parts! They were so good! I was really proud of myself! Ha ha I made them from scratch and they turned out really good. Both Arbor and Johnny loved them!

Anyways... Just wanted to share some cute pics!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Wanted to share this!

So living down in Southern Utah we are very lucky to live close to Zion and Kolob! The scenery here is amazing! We recently bought a new camera just so we could take some nice pictures of the beautiful scenery!

This is one of my favorite pictures. I took this awhile ago and I love it! I hope you like it too! This is in Zion canyon but on the way to Kolob reservoir.

Johnny has all of the pics on his computer so I will get some more up once I get them from his computer!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

We are back!!

So after taking some time off from the computer and other things I am back! Sooo I will get to some updating!

First off.. We moved! We are now living in St. George! I love it! I will never move back to Utah County... I love my new house. It has a HUGE yard and the neighborhood is great! I will get some pictures up soon!

Arbor is now 2!!!! I cant believe it! It feels like just yesterday I found out I was pregnant! He is soooo adorable! He talks all the time and loves to give hugs and play! He is obsessed with Spongebob and love PB and J sandwiches! He is one happy baby... I mean BIG BOY!

Johnny and I have almost been married for 6 years! HOLY CRAP! It doesn't feel that long even though I fee like I have known him forever! He is the best. I don't know what I would do without him!

So other then that stuff there isn't much else! Ha ha wow...

I will put up some more pictures once I get them loaded onto my computer!